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The School of Medicine in HEIW manages over 20 speciality training programmes across Wales, taking trainees from Core training (Internal Medicine Training or IMT stage 1) through to consultant level and Certificate of completion of training (CCT).

Medicine training in Wales provides the opportunity to develop your career to its full potential in a flexible and well supported environment within a devolved healthcare system. See here and here for further information about working and living in Wales.

  • Training in each speciality is supervised by a Specialty Training Committee (STC) which is led by a Training Programme Director (TPD)

    Working with these committees, we:

  • Aim to ensure the highest standards of patient care by developing a highly skilled medical workforce
  • Organise training programmes in accordance with General Medical Council (GMC) requirements, ensuring all curriculum requirements can be met
  • Recruit and select trainees for IMT and Higher training
  • Ensure that there is an appropriate induction to the training programme for all new trainees
  • Ensure that regular, high quality educational supervision is provided
  • Support the provision and use of the e-portfolio by both trainees and their educational supervisors
  • Work with local lead educators (Associate Medical Directors, Faculty Leads, College Tutors) to ensure that each post in a programme provides high quality experience
  • Ensure that all educational supervisors have received appropriate training (including teaching skills, appraisal and assessment skills and equality and diversity training) for their role as educators and assessors
  • Ensure that trainees have access to well-informed and appropriate careers information, advice and counselling
  • Are proactive in the identification of trainees needing additional help or guidance and see that support is provided quickly when needed
  • Monitor assessment of training including annual reviews of competency progression (ARCPs) and recommendations for CCT

The School of Medicine is responsible to the Postgraduate Medical Dean and we work closely with the Joint Royal Colleges Postgraduate Training Board (JRCPTB) and its Specialty Advisory Committees (SACs).  We also have close links with the Royal College of Physicians (Wales) and the Royal College Tutor network.  The Head of School of Medicine is Dr Shaun Smale.


Further information

Further information can be obtained by viewing individual speciality pages. Alternatively, or for general information relating to the School of Medicine, please contact or telephone 03300 584216.