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Strategic Workforce Plan for Genomics

We are developing a Strategic Workforce Plan for Genomics in partnership with Genomics Partnership Wales. We are now in the process of finalising the plan which will be published during Autumn 2024.

Why are we developing this plan?

Genomics will play a significant role in the future delivery of healthcare. It will help us understand more about illness and disease and enable us to develop targeted approaches to treatment and patient care.

Key drivers for the development of the plan are:

  • to ensure that NHS Wales has a robust specialist genomics workforce and the right infrastructure in place to respond to the requirements set out within the national (UK) and Wales genomic delivery programmes
  • to equip the wider NHS Wales workforce with sufficient ‘genomic literacy’ to ensure that genomics can be effectively mainstreamed into service delivery.  

The plan is being developed in response to one of the key aims in the Genomic Delivery Plan for Wales.

We aim to identify a set of actions that align with the themes within the Workforce Strategy for Health and Care for us to take forward in partnership with Public Health Wales, Genomics Partnership Wales, NHS Wales health boards and trusts over the next three years.