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Strategic perinatal workforce plan

We are leading on the development of the strategic perinatal workforce plan to recruit, retain, train and transform the current and future perinatal workforce in NHS Wales.


As part of the Maternity and Neonatal Conversation Wales, we have also gained insight from perinatal service users by thematically analysing patient experience data of approximately 1600 responses from across Wales. This analysis will assist in informing the plan as part of the tree pillar approach and help us to better understand the challenges faced by the multi-disaplinary team within Perinatal Services.


Next steps

We are continuing to conduct detailed analysis following the three-pillar approach of the literature, research and good practice, data and analytics, and the recent workforce engagement in order to produce a set of draft actions. Once produced HEIW will consult the workforce via a set of webinars and a feedback MS Form to ensure that the needs of the Perinatal Services are best met.

Consultation on the draft actions within the Strategic Perinatal Workforce Plan will start soon. More details to follow, watch this space!

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