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Welcome to our webpages for the Allied Health Professions (AHPs) in Wales.

On this page, you will find programme updates, news about initiatives affecting AHPs and opportunities to get involved and help to shape the future of AHP practice in Wales.


What are Allied Health Professionals?

Allied Health Professions is a collective term used to describe 13 different professions who work across the whole lifespan, in a wide range of settings throughout the NHS, social care, local authority, private practice, education, and the judicial system.

As AHPs we are all registered by the same Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). HCPC is the body which sets the standards by which we practice. These standards cover our conduct, performance and ethics, our proficiency and expectations around continuing professional development.

AHP Framework Programme

Our AHP programme has been set up to lead the implementation of the 10-year vision described in the Allied Health Professions Framework: Looking Forward Together (2019). An easy read version of the AHP framework can be found here.

On 1 April 2021 we officially took leadership of the AHP programme. This programme of work describes a number of activities that are designed to transform AHP practice across health and social care in Wales. This work is supported by the ‘whole systems’ opportunities described within A Healthier Wales (2018), the person-centred symptom-based approach in the National Clinical Framework (2021), and the seven themes of the Workforce Strategy for Health & Social Care (2020). Together, we will help the people of Wales to understand the important contribution that AHPs make to health and social care, to see our diverse roles as rewarding career choices and help us lead the future of person-centred multi-professional practice.

The AHP programme seeks to realise the vision described by the AHP framework:

Vision Statement 2021 - 2030

Together the Allied Health Professions lead transformational change. Their diversity inspires creativity and innovation in practice, education and research. Their multi-professional partnerships across health and social care empowers and enables the people of Wales to live healthier lives.
