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Dental foundation training

Dental Foundation Training is the first phase of continuing postgraduate education after graduation and is recognised as a part of career pathways in all sections of the dental profession. Progressive changes are in place to integrate these programmes into formal dental foundation programmes.

Dental core training

Dental Core Training offers the opportunity to broaden knowledge and experience within the dental profession and is a recognised career pathway after the completion of Dental Foundation Training (DFT).

Dentist showing scan to a patient
Specialty training in dentistry

Over the past few years Dental Specialty Training has expanded considerably and HEIW's Dental Postgraduate section is proud to support a variety of HEIW approved training programmes across 6 Dental specialties with a total of 21 current specialty trainees.

Wales Dental Therapy Foundation Training (WDTFT) Programme

Qualified dental therapists - for further information on our Programme, which starts each September, contact Kath Liddington.

Single lead employer

This information is to help you understand the organisations behind the Single Lead Employer (SLE) arrangement. If you have a query about this, the information on these pages will help you know who to approach.