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Review of competence progression (RCP)

Abstract figure

Since September 2016, progress through Dental Foundation Training (DFT) has been measured via a ‘Review of Competence Progression’ mechanism (RCP).

What is RCP?

RCP is a structured and evidence-based program designed to document and analyse progress through DFT in order to ensure core competencies are demonstrated by the completion of training. The training year is rigorously monitored through well-constructed assessment strategies and the completion of an online portfolio, which is your record of training. Tools such as ADEPTs (A Dental Evaluation of Performance Tool), Case Based Discussions (CbDs), Multi-Source Feedback (MSFs) amongst others, will chart your progress through DFT.

How is progress measured?

Evidence of your progress will be formally assessed twice a year; by the Interim RCP Panel (Interim Review of Competence Progression, six months into your training year) and by the Final RCP Panel (Final Review of Competence Progression, 11 months into your training year). At these panel meetings your online portfolio will be used to analyse the evidence you have collected to support your progress alongside reports submitted by your Educational Supervisor and Training Programme Director (TPD).

Following the panel meeting you will be awarded an outcome based on your progress.

At Interim RCP the available outcomes are:

Outcome 1 – Demonstrating progress and the development of competences at the expected rate.

Outcome 2 – Development of specific competences and / or prescribed elements required.

Outcome 5 – Incomplete evidence presented, additional evidence required (14 days is provided to supply the required evidence. If the evidence is satisfactory then the interim outcome is amended to an Outcome 1. If the evidence is unsatisfactory or not provided then the interim outcome is amended to an Outcome 2).


At Final RCP the available outcomes are:

Outcome 6 – Demonstrated all required competences.

Outcome 5 – Incomplete evidence presented, additional evidence required (14 days is provided to supply the required evidence. If the evidence is satisfactory then the final outcome is amended to an Outcome 6. If the evidence is unsatisfactory or not provided then the final outcome is amended to an Outcome 3 or 4).

Outcome 3 – Inadequate progress, additional training time required.

Outcome 4 – Released from training programme with competencies demonstrated / not demonstrated identified.

The RCP process is set out by the Committee of Postgraduate Dental Deans and Directors (COPDEND) and you can read more about the process in the ‘Dental Blue Guide ’.

Foundation Dentists have the right to appeal a recommendation for an extension to training (Outcome 3) or a recommendation for the Foundation Dentist to leave the training programme with identified areas of competence that have been demonstrated but without completion of the programme (Outcome 4). Appeals are organised and managed by the Trainee Progression Governance (TPG)  team.

For all portfolio and RCP queries please contact Rachel Morgan.