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DFT - Dental Educational Supervisor Approval Process (DESAP)

The role of the Dental Educational Supervisor is to supervise and support a Foundation Dentist (FD) in primary dental care, so that the Foundation Dentist is able to work unsupervised in the general, personal and salaried dental services at the end of Dental Foundation Training (DFT).

Dental practitioners working in NHS dental practices within Wales, with at least 4 years GDS/CDS experience in the UK, can apply to become a Dental Educational Supervisor in January for schemes normally commencing the following September. Please see the job description, person and practice specification for further information on the role of a Educational Supervisor in general dental practice.

If you would like to discuss the Educational Supervisor role, please contact Gabrielle Lloyd, Dental Foundation Training Manager. You may also find the Educational Supervisor Handbook helpful in answering some of your queries. See here for overview.

Approval Process

HEIW Dental Foundation Training Educational Supervisor Approval Process (DESAP) for the 2024/2025 training year.

Please look out for the link to apply here from 2:00 pm on the 15 January 2024.

For guidance, see the Dental Educational Supervisor Approval Process

Further information can be found here


Developing Dental Educators Course (Essential for all new applicants prior to applying)  

1st & 2nd February 2024 (modules 1 & 2)

22nd & 23rd February 2024 (modules 3 & 4)

As long as you are booked onto this course you are eligible to apply.

Treat me Fairly / Equality & Diversity Online Module, Information Governance / Record Keeping Module, Bullying and Harassment Module          

These modules are available via

  • Learning@Wales. If you have any queries in relation to this please contact Rachel Morgan
  • GDC- will be able to signpost you to providers of these modules.

Indemnity provider –will also be able to signpost you to where you can access these modules

Dental Educational Supervisor Approval process (DESAP) application & ES Commitment round opens. (The link will be available on our website from this date) 

15th January 2024 – 16th February 2024                                                        

Annual QA Practice visits timeframe -
The visits are designed to assess the educational opportunities that exist within the practice. Educational Supervisors will be annually appraised by their scheme TPD. The TPD will then complete the annual QA visit documentation and provide feedback on in year performance to the ES.

15th January 2024 – 8th March 2024


(New applicants, and any ESs who have scored in the lowest 10% of total ESs at QA practice visit.)                      

If you require an interview you will be informed of which day you are required to attend.                                      

Please keep these dates free until you are notified.

23rd & 24th April 2024, (Via Microsoft Teams)

Interview outcomes communicated

10th May 2024

Local allocation to practice process:
Allocated ESs to submit a practice profile to HEIW for local preferencing. 

Please see preferencing material guidance.                  

10th - 24th May 2024

FDs to submit preferences to HEIW

19th - 21st June 2024


28th June                                                       

New Practice Visits time frame 13th May 2024 - 28th June 2024

ES induction course for new ESs new practice staff

26th June 2024                                                

Commencement of Dental Foundation Training 1st September

As well as the Dental Educational Supervisor Approval Application, the approval process will also involve:

  • Developing Dental Educators course – is mandatory for all new Educational Supervisor applicants. Attendance on one of the HEIW 4-day courses is an essential requirement for all new ESs who do not hold an alternative Post Graduate qualification in Medical or Dental Education acceptable to HEIW. Please contact Kate Fry to register your interest.
  • A new practice visits for all new applicants – scheduled to take place in May/June.
  • QA annual practice visit and performance review for all existing applicants who are re-applying – scheduled to take place in January to February.
  • Educational Supervisor sessions document – this is required for existing Educational Supervisors. HEIW monitor engagement and commitment of all Educational Supervisors to Dental Foundation Training. You are reminded that you are expected to undertake a minimum of 14 sessions within the Dental Foundation Training year (September – August) and attendance at sessions will be reviewed and included as part of the decision making process for reappointment of Educational Supervisors. The ES sessional commitment form is available for information below but this will now be completed via DESAP during January – February.
  • HIW & LHB reports – HEIW will also collect reports from HIW and LHBs on each applicant. All the documentation and assessment criteria to be used in this process is available below for information.
  • Equality & Diversity (E&D Training) – Treat me Fairly / Equality & Diversity Online Module (every 3 years), Information Governance / Record Keeping Module (annually),  Bullying and Harassment Module (annually) You are reminded that these modules are required.
