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The Endoscopy Academy of Wales

2024 – Centralised Training Programme

HEIW is pleased to announce new training dates in support of trainee endoscopists and endoscopy nurses, healthcare support workers, managers and admin and clerical staff in Wales. In 2024, these courses are to be provided at a new venue, Keir Hardie Academic Centre (Merthyr Tydfil), with high quality seminar rooms and dedicated clinical laboratory space.

Endoscopist Training

The programme will aim to support the following JAG approved courses (which will be advertised via the JAG Endoscopy Training System (JETS) website). Where provisional dates have been agreed these are shown for information but may be subject to change;

JAG Basic Upper GI course (Day 1 at Keir Hardie AC, Day 2 Royal Glamorgan Hospital) 

  • 13 & 14 November 2024.

JAG Colonoscopy course (3 day course, hosted at Princess of Wales Hospital) – 26-28 June 

JAG Therapeutic Upper GI course - 2 day course at Keir Hardie AC 

  • 16 & 17 September 2024.

JAG Training the Endoscopy Trainer course – 2 day course at Keir Hardie AC 

  • 11 & 12 June 2024.

In addition to formal JAG courses a SPRINT induction day will be held in September 2024 for medical and surgical trainees new to endoscopy and continue to support the successful HEIW Clinical Endoscopy Programme (applications for the 2024 programme will be advertised in March/April).

Endoscopy Nurse Training

We will continue to run ENDO courses throughout 2024 to support foundation training against the JETS Workforce competency framework and assist units to meet the new JAG mandate within the updated JAG Accreditation Standards (2023). ENDO 1 courses will continue to be run on a regional basis within hospitals, please email to request a local free of charge course.

The ENDO2 course which supports the development of skills required by endoscopy assistants during therapeutic procedures is being updated and Welsh Training Leads are working with the JAG and Training Leads from other UK Endoscopy Academies to update the course format with a view to delivering this updated ENDO 2 format during 2024. Details will be made available as soon as JAG have approved the new format.

ENDO3 courses will be available to book online via the JETS website for nurses wishing to improve their skills in management, training, and leadership. In line with JAG’s update on the ENDO3 format we will seek to host an ENDO3 course in Wales (provisional dates have been allocated – 17 April and 4 November 2024).

And finally

For the first time in 2024 we will advertise and run a training course for Administrative and Clerical Staff who work within the Endoscopy Service, and an Endoscopic Non-Technical Skills (ENTS) course which will be relevant to all members of the Endoscopy team.

For any initial queries please contact the Endoscopy Academy Training team at and someone will respond to your query as soon as possible.