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Gastroenterology is an exciting and expanding medical speciality, following implementation of the national bowel screening programme and due to a rising incidence in liver disease.

The Welsh training programme provides dual accreditation in gastroenterology and general internal medicine (GIM), with rotation through a combination of university teaching hospitals and district general hospitals located throughout Wales. Training is provided in all the major sub-specialty areas including hepatology, IBD, nutrition and endoscopy. A novel endoscopy-training scheme (SPRINT) is available to all new trainees, facilitating accelerated training in upper GI endoscopy. 

Annual ST6 posts are available to provide enhanced experience in ERCP/EUS/Hepatology (based at the Royal Gwent Hospital) and IBD/nutrition (based at the University Hospital of Wales). There are also regular opportunities for out of program experience in research and clinical leadership training fellowships in sites throughout Wales.

Gastroenterology trainees are actively involved in the development of training at a local and national level, with representatives on the WAGE (Welsh Association of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy), WETN (Welsh Endoscopy Training Network) and BSG (British Society of Gastroenterology) committees.

The Gastroenterology STC are happy to answer any enquiries relating to the training programme in Wales, please see contact details below.

Gastroenterology training

Contact the Programme Director for further information.


Gastroenterology links and documents