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Dermatology is one of the most varied of the medical specialties. It is one of the commonest reasons people consult a doctor. The most common cancer in humans is a skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma) and the most common disease in humans is in dermatology (acne). Skin disease is the third most common cause of occupational illness. It can affect anybody, at any age (including post mortem).

With so many conditions covered, there will always be something new to learn and you will always be the expert that the other doctors ask for help.


Welsh Dermatology training is divided into the north Wales and south Wales programmes.

The north Wales programme rotates through Wrexham, Glan Clwyd and Bangor. In south Wales, the rotations are Swansea and Port Talbot, Newport and Gwent, Cardiff and Bridgend.

Dermatology in Wales is at the forefront of research into the specialty with development of new medications, surgical techniques and ways of working. In your four years of training here, you will be developing your skills as a general dermatologist but will be encouraged to develop a special interest in subspecialties such as:

  • Cutaneous Allergy
  • Paediatric Dermatology
  • Skin surgery
  • Skin cancer
  • Photodermatology
  • Medical Dermatology

During your training, you will also gain experience in dermatopathology, lasers and phototherapy and there are opportunities to develop advanced dermatology surgery skills including Mohs micrographic surgery. 

Protected time is offered in both north and south Wales rotations for at least once weekly postgraduate educational teaching including grand rounds, dermatopathology teaching and dermoscopy teaching.  Strong links exist between the north and south Wales departments as well as with their adjoining regions. In the north, trainees also join weekly dermatology teaching sessions in the Merseyside Regional training programme and undertake some of their more specialist attachments in Liverpool and Manchester.

Opportunities for developing a research and teaching profile with higher degrees and medical education are available through the Welsh university network.

You will receive an Annual Review of Clinical Progress (ARCP) every year which will look at your work place based assessments (WPBAs), reflections, reports and patient surveys. It is a requirement that you pass the Dermatology Specialty Certificate Examination during your training. Most trainees take this exam at the start of their ST5 year. At the end of the four years, providing you have met all competencies, you will become a consultant dermatologist.


I thoroughly enjoyed training in Wales. I found that the support across the various hospitals was fantastic with great learning opportunities. I was able to meet my educational requirements whilst also being able to complete a PhD. Faraz Ali - ST6

I thoroughly enjoyed my training in North Wales. The training program gave me good grips with medical dermatology in excellent supporting departments across the three sites. Educational opportunities are great with the advantage of being in the most scenic coastal area on your days off. I have recently completed my training and joined as a consultant within this region.