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Audiovestibular Medicine is the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and management of hearing and balance disorders in adults and children.

In addition to the rehabilitative/habilitative aspects of the chronic disorders encompassed within the specialty, a broad general medical training allows appropriate investigation and medical management of the plethora of conditions of both peripheral otological and central nervous system origin, presenting with acute audio-vestibular symptoms, including infectious, inflammatory, vascular, traumatic and metabolic disorders.

A multidisciplinary approach is adopted to these problems, including as well tinnitus, dysacuses and communication disorders, aimed at improving the well-being and quality of life of the individual concerned.

Training in the specialty includes aspects of Developmental Paediatrics, Geriatrics, Medical Genetics, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology and Psychiatry, as well as an MSc in Audiological Medicine. This breadth of training facilitates continuing research and development into methods of prevention of two of the most common sensory disabilities.

The Wales post for Audiovestibular Medicine is included as part of the Manchester training scheme. For inforamtion for the UHW post please contact the Training Programme Director:

Dr Deepak Rajendrakumar - Audiovestibular Medicine Programme Director and Flexible Training Adviser.