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Over the past few years Dental Specialty Training has expanded considerably and HEIW's Dental Deanery is proud to support a variety of HEIW approved training programmes across 8 dental specialties with a total of 30 current specialty trainees.

These include:

The high standard of our Dental Specialty Training programmes is due to the dedication and commitment of our well trained team of professional educators and trainers who are equipped with the highest standard of dental equipment and facilities. Anyone who wishes to train to be a dental specialist is recommended to first complete at least two years of training post-graduation, covering a broad clinical experience. At least one year should be spent in hospital or community practice, and each post must be occupied for a minimum of three months. The exact length of specialty training will depend on the specialty in question. All specialty trainees must register with the Postgraduate Dental Dean (PGDD) in Wales, who is responsible for monitoring the trainee's progress and the quality of training received.

During training, prior to the award of a Certificate of Completion of Specialty Training (CCST), the trainee will be graded as a Specialty Training Registrar (StR). Post CCST training (formerly FTTA) opportunities are also available in certain specialties. On completion of training, the trainee will need to pass relevant examinations (depending on the specialty) and will become eligible for recommendation, by the PGDD to the General Dental Council (GDC), for the award of a CCST which in turn should lead to their name being entered on the GDC's relevant specialist list.

If you would like any further information about undertaking your specialty training programme in Wales please contact:

Associate Dean for Dental Core & Specialty Training - Will McLaughlin

Dental Speciality Training Manager - Fran Yuen-Lee

What to do next

For further information contact us to organise a visit or an informal chat.

Please also see our vacancies page.