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Same Day Emergency Care MDT Model

BCUHB have developed a multi-speciality service where the service is predominantly led by our advanced nurse practitioners with minimal input from the medics. They see approximately 30 patients per day via this service.  There is also a nurse led therapies service whereby patients will have blood transfusions/IV therapy and several other procedures to avoid the patient having to come into the acute setting as an inpatient.

Advanced Practitioner for Care Homes

A cluster in South Denbighshire paid for Advanced Practitioners to be link for care homes rather than calling GPs or WAST. They triage calls and deal with majority of cases, avoiding hospital admission

Primary Care Cluster Advanced Nurse Practitioner Model


North Cynon Primary Care cluster benefits from  a community based Advanced Nurse Practitioner, employed by the cluster practices directly as a joint project to support the links between the GPs and the care homes

Admission Avoidance & Virtual Ward project


A South Warwickshire Collaborative QI project

Admission Avoidance QI project document