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Sara-Catrin Cook

Sara-Catrin Cook

Sara by background is trained in Critical Care and Anaesthesia and has been actively involved in simulation since 2009.

Her experience is mainly focused to in-situ simulation and over the more recent years has been applying this to systems, pathways and protocol testing.

Her experiences include delivering simulation training particularly within Critical Care, supporting other units to set up their own in-situ programmes and develop the skills required, working alongside psychologists to develop debriefing skills, and presenting at various local, national and international conferences. She also has ample experience at designing, setting up and running a variety of different interprofessional simulation-based courses.

In 2016, Sara had the opportunity to undertake a formal simulation fellowship and headed to Australia for a year to work at the Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre as well as at the Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney. She had the most amazing time gaining further skills and experiences in simulation-centre based interprofessional training to complement her in-situ skills. In addition, she had the opportunity to work alongside a variety of other stakeholders including the University of Sydney and got to know numerous inspiring simulationists from across the globe. Some of her most memorable experiences was being part of the Social Media and Critical Care (SMACC) conference simulation team, delivering workshop and on-stage simulation programmes in Dublin, Berlin and Sydney.

Now settled back in Wales, Sara is thrilled at undertaking the role of Associate Dean in Simulation and Clinical Skills and heading up the fantastic HEIW simulation team. She is particularly excited at getting to know the Welsh simulation community and supporting the incredible work that is going on across the country.