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We're creating a single platform to launch in 2025. It will combine 12 existing applications currently used by NHS Wales staff and HEIW to manage information for trainees, trainers and NHS professionals across Wales.

We encourage participation and engagement throughout this process, so if you’d like to contribute, please contact


Which apps are being migrated onto Codi?

DAS (Dental Appraisal System)

Supports and facilitates appraisals for community dentists.


Dental Educational Supervisor Approval Process


Stores information for trainees across Wales.

MARS GP (Medical Appraisal and Revalidation for GPs)

Facilitates the Appraisal and Revalidation processes for GPs (Primary Care) within an online application.

MARS Medical (Medical Appraisal and Revalidation for secondary care)

Facilitates the Appraisal and Revalidation processes for Secondary medical professionals within an online application.

MEET (Managing Efficient Endoscopy Training)

Online planning tool to maximise existing endoscopy training opportunities including managing and booking clinical sessions.

Orbit 360

Multi-source feedback which allows NHS Wales professionals to request feedback from colleagues and patients.

Sensitive trainee information capture

Records sensitive case files and information for trainees to be accessed and read by a single internal HEIW team.

TAG (Trainer Agreement Gateway)

Online process for new and existing trainers to sign their trainer contract.

The Core

Lists clinical sessions for medical trainees and professionals and allows for booking.

Trap (Training practice Re-Approval Process)

Online process for staff and trainees within training practices to complete surveys containing questions around the quality of training within that practice. Responses are triangulated and reviewed for inconsistencies.

Wales PRO

Facilitates the building and collection of data for optometrists for professional reviews for appraisees and mentors.


What are the benefits of Codi?
  • Improved user experience for trainees and administrators. For example, only one login will be required to access all relevant functionality.
  • Improved data quality. For example, profile details and individual credentials will be recorded once, rather than duplicated across multiple siloed applications. This will also ensure more accurate and up to date information.
  • Enhanced engagement. Information can be used between applications. For example, if you’re applying to be an Educational Supervisor you can pull through your appraisal information from DAS to your application on DESAP.
  • Improved analytics. For example, it will provide a single source of trusted data for reporting which HEIW can use to make better, data-driven decisions around future workforce plans.
  • Improved governance. This ensures all applications are compliant with relevant requirements.
  • Enhanced security. It will make use of Microsoft’s authentication system including multi-factor authentication.
  • Adaptable to business change. HEIW will be responsible for the platform, including support. This allows for faster changes and updates.

Working collaboratively with Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW), health boards and other NHS organisations and stakeholders, this work will use modern technology and data solutions. The roll out of this new system will be a phased, starting with Intrepid.


Groups that will be impacted:
Group Description
Trainees The largest userbase of HEIW applications. Trainees have been assigned their own reference group to help gather their requirements and needs.
Health Board Medical Education Teams Members of educational staff across health boards that interact with the trainee information database or other applications regularly as part of their role.
Health Board Medical HR Teams Members of HR staff across health boards that interact with the trainee information database or other applications regularly as part of their role.
Support Teams - primary care Stakeholders that currently interact with HEIW applications daily, as part of their role
Support Teams - secondary care Stakeholders who are aware of HEIW applications but do not interact with trainee information via HEIW's applications.
Data and integration Stakeholders that input into or require data from HEIW applications.
External Organisations that have influence over HEIW and its applications, but don’t directly interact with its applications.
Informed Organisations or stakeholders that provide services to HEIW and need to be informed of any sweeping changes or dependencies on those services.