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Raising a concern

Image Raising training concerns page


How do I raise a concern about my training?

Training concerns can be raised in a number of ways including via the training programme structure, local faculty leads or directly to the Quality Unit.

For further information look at our Raising concerns and escalation guidance

Training programme structure

While on a placement you can raise any concerns directly with any of the following people, in person or in writing:

  • educational supervisors
  • college tutors
  • foundation programme directors
  • training programme directors
  • relevant head of school/associate dean.

Faculty leads

If you would prefer to raise a concern with someone outside of the training programme structure, the faculty leads may be contacted.

Faculty leads are Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) representatives based at different NHS sites across Wales. Given their local connection they are well placed to respond to concerns at a local level and work in partnership with the Quality Unit at HEIW. Please view the faculty lead page for information on how to make contact.

The Quality Unit

HEIW has a dedicated email account to allow training grade doctors to raise concerns directly with us, this will be monitored Monday to Friday by staff in the Quality Unit. However, please note that this is in addition to existing mechanisms discussed above and any urgent patient safety concerns must be raised through local reporting mechanisms to ensure immediate action can be taken if necessary.

If you would like to raise a concern directly with the Quality Unit, please email us at It would be useful if you could include the following details in your email:

  • training programme and grade
  • specialty that the concern relates to
  • site that the concern relates to
  • details of your concern; please provide as much information as possible.

All concerns will be fully investigated and we will keep you informed of the outcome. Should you wish to remain anonymous we will honour this and whilst we will still do our very best to address your concerns this can be difficult.

More information can be found about this service in our HEIW Open PDF.


What will happen once I have raised a concern?

Once a training concern has been received via one of the mechanisms above a local investigation will take place and relevant parties will be involved. These could include training, foundation, GP programme directors, the specialty training committee chair or relevant faculty lead for quality. Concerns will be considered and further evidence may be sought by meeting with groups of trainees, reviewing end of placement feedback and General Medical Council (GMC) survey results and survey free text comments. There are occasions when concerns will be dealt with by the training programme structure or faculty teams with limited involvement from the quality unit depending on the concern and how it was first raised.

Where there are recurring concerns or severe patient safety concerns a targeted visit may be arranged by the Quality Unit. This is a meeting with representatives from the Health Board and site where the concern exists including Assistant Medical Director, programme directors, college tutors, local faculty leads and representatives from HEIW and the Quality Unit. During the meeting HEIW's panel will meet with trainers and trainees from the specialty concerned and agree recommendations for improvement with the Health Board going forward and we will keep in touch to monitor progress. The visits may also highlight areas of good practice which may be shared across Health Boards.

Here are some examples of how we have used your feedback to improve training.