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The NHS Wales e-Library provides access to e-journals, e-books, databases, medicines information, guidelines, evidence summaries, e-Learning and a range of other e-resources.

It is accessible to all NHS Wales staff, contract holders and students whilst on placement.

If you are using a device which is connected to the NHS Wales network, there should be no need to log in to view full text resources.

If you are accessing the e-Library from outside the NHS Wales network, you will need to log in to view full text resources using an OpenAthens username and password.

You will be able to use your NHS Wales email address and network (Nadex) password as your OpenAthens username and password. If you do not have an NHS Wales email address, you can self register for an OpenAthens account.

In addition you will also need to be registered with your hospital library with a library barcode number and password to view full text journal articles and e-books held in the e-Library and displayed in NHS Wales LibrarySearch (online catalogue).


Contact your local library for a library barcode and password or if you need help with training or using the e-resources. If you experience technical difficulties accessing any of the e-resources or would like to suggest additional resources, please contact the e-Library Team by email or Twitter @NHSWaleselib.


NHS Wales e-Library (2023)