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The Maturity Matrix Dentistry (MMD) is a practice development tool for the whole dental team which helps dental teams deliver high quality care for patients.

It is used during a facilitated session with your Quality Improvement Dental Educator. Preparing for and using the MMD qualifies every GDC registered participant for three hours verifiable CPD. The MMD helps the dental team to consider the following areas relating to best practice and meeting legislative requirements:

  1. Clinical Assessment and Clinical Risk Management
  2. Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)
  3. Radiological Standards
  4. Legal and Ethical
  5. Patient Experience and Handling Feedback
  6. Health and Safety
  7. Safety Incident Reporting
  8. Team and Practice Development
  9. Audit and Quality Improvement
  10. Use of Resources for Evidence Based Practice
  11. Team Wellbeing
  12. Team Meetings and Communication

For more information, please see the MMD Guide for Dental Practices.

To enquire about registering for the MMD, please contact HEIW Dental QI.