(published 14 March 2024)
Dr Elin Griffiths, Integrated Care GP Fellowship Programme Director, and Dr Esther Lomas, Director of Multi-Prof Primary & Community Care Education & Training at Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) took part in the 'Spotlight on Poster Presentations' at the annual Developing Excellence in Medical Education Conference (DEMEC).
Both won certificates for their submissions that were awarded by Dr Fiona Donald, Vice Chair of Council, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Prof Alan Denison, Dean of Postgraduate Medicine, NHS Education for Scotland (who are pictured above with Dr Lomas).
The submissions, which could be in the form of an oral short presentation or poster, covered 5 themes following the Academy of Medical Education (AoME) Professional Standards. Both Dr Griffiths’ and Dr Lomas’ both submitted posters that came under the educational management and leadership theme. Their abstract titles were:
Dr Elin Griffiths: 'In search of a win-win situation! Improving sustainability of Primary Care by providing a supportive and rewarding career: The integrated Care GP Fellowship Scheme’
Dr Esther Lomas: 'Shaping the Primary Care landscape in Wales: Building a co-ordinated Primary and Community Care Academy Network to deliver across five pillars of education and training.'
The submissions were judged on academic rigour, originality, potential impact, communication, learning and educational value and demonstrate the impact of our work on around these areas. They will be published in The Clinical Teacher. HEIW colleagues also presented posters on the General Practice Nurse Foundation Programme and the Urgent Care Practitioner Framework.
Dr Esther Lomas, Director of Multi-Prof Prim & Comm Care Education & Training said “It was a real privilege to share some of the collaborative work being undertaken across Wales to support the primary and community care workforce to meet the healthcare needs of our communities.”
Professor Pushpinder Mangat, Medical Director at HEIW said “HEIW have invested in the development of the Primary and Community Care Academy Network to act as an enabler to empower the primary care workforce to deliver excellent patient care. It’s great to see an interest in what we are doing here in Wales, at a national level.”
For further information on the work we are doing to support primary and community care please see our latest newsletter.
Or email: heiw.primarycare@wales.nhs.uk