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Meet Esther, our new Director of Multi Professional Primary and Community Care Education and Training

I am really excited to be leading and developing the new multi professional unit within HEIW. Over the last 18 months, we have been growing the team and working with colleagues both within HEIW and across the wider NHS, social care, third sector and education to build our understanding of the health care needs of the people of Wales and the workforce who care for them. 

I came to Cardiff to study Medicine in 1997 and after GP Specialty Training in the Glamorgan Valleys scheme, I began working in medical education. After roles in GP Specialty Training and undergraduate medicine in Wales and Australia, and work as a Clinical Cluster Lead, I continue to work as a GP Partner in Pontypridd. Working in a multi-professional team on the front line of general practice keeps my feet on the ground and allows me to bring that clinical experience and understanding of the challenges facing independent contractors to this role.

The next twelve months promises to be action packed as our team look to support the development of health board primary and community care academies. Examples include our GPN Foundation Programme providing a structured route into general practice nursing, and receptionist training which includes care navigation. Patients will be supported to have clear advice to see the right person at the right time in the right place, and to see their GP nurse for an expanding range of services. Over time, working collaboratively with the academies we would love to see our workforce in Wales being supported to have the opportunities to maintain their skills at the highest level, develop new skills to increase the impact they can have in their role, plan their career pathway and be fulfilled in their role. By investing in the training and development of our workforce in primary and community care, I believe our communities will be in safe hands.

Every care journey starts in primary and community care, so whatever your role – patient, carer, clinical or non-clinical, we would welcome the opportunity to work with stakeholders to inform and continue to develop this work.

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