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Launch of new CAMHS training modules on Y Ty Dysgu

Published: 19/04/24

The mental health team at Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) are excited to announce the launch of the new Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) training modules on the Y Ty Dysgu learning platform.

This training has been developed to support mental health teams to improve the care they offer to the children, young people and families attending CAMHS services in Wales.

There are five modules designed to introduce theories of child, adolescent, and family development. On completion of the e-learning modules and knowledge checks, the learner will have:

  • Knowledge of child and adolescent development
  • Knowledge of the impact of the care environment
  • Knowledge of family environment, functioning and transitions

These can be completed with supervisors as part of a documented development journey or they can be completed as standalone learning opportunities. These modules are open to the voluntary sector, social care and health colleagues.

To find out more or to register for a supervisor session please contact: