Published: 30/04/2024
The workforce observatory has been created by Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) to provide easy access to a variety of tools and resources which will assist in workforce planning across NHS health boards in Wales.
Feedback from stakeholders has outlined that whilst information has been available, it hasn’t always been easy to find. As Clem Price, Interim Assistant Director of Strategic Workforce Planning outlined, “we have created some wonderful resources to support planners and managers but have been told that staff don’t know where to find them. We have launched the workforce observatory to meet this need and to provide the support that we know the service needs.”
The observatory brings together information, on the HEIW website, displayed in simple sections to make information more accessible.
The observatory is available to the public, however, parts of the development are accessible to NHS Wales staff only.
The data and analytics portal is accessible through the observatory and this is available to staff to look at a number of self-service dashboards.
A community of practice has also been designed to provide online training for staff to support workforce planning, self-assessment tools to assess current skill level and a curated library which holds research and documents from third party organisations.
Maxine Pring, Strategic Workforce Manager said, “we know how busy staff in the service are. Our community of practice will allow staff to complete learning and development in bite sized chunks at a pace to suit their needs.”
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