I am writing to inform you that Julie Rogers, HEIW Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Workforce and Organisational Development will be leaving HEIW for pastures new at the end of June 2024.
We offer our heartfelt congratulations to Julie, who has been appointed as the new Chief Executive of the UK Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA) - the professional voice of people professionals in health and care across the UK.
Julie will be sorely missed in HEIW having been one of its driving forces since we started in early 2018, leading on some of our most significant pieces of work including the development of the first Health and Care Workforce Strategy for Wales 2020 – 2030’, our award-winning national talent, succession and leadership programme and providing substantial support at national level including as co-chair of the Covid-19 national workforce cell.
We wish Julie all the very best and look forward to working with her in her new role. We now begin the difficult job of replacing Julie, and the HEIW Director of Workforce and Organisational Development role will be going out to advert later this week.
Kind regards
Alex Howells
Chief Executive of Health Education and Improvement Wales