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Cedron Sion - our Welsh language apprentice wins an award

Gower College Swansea Annual Student Awards 2023 took place recently and Cedron Sion, our Welsh Language Translator has won the following award for his work completing the Agored Cymru: Tystysgrif Lefel 4 mewn Ymarfer Cyfieithu / Level 4 Certificate in Translation Practice offered by Gower College Swansea.

Elaine McCallion Award - GCS Training Student of the Year – Cedron Sion

Einir-Wyn Hawkins, Gower College Swansea’s commercial co-ordinator and assessor nominated Cedron for this award, and wrote in his citation;

“Cedron Sion is an exemplary higher apprentice”.

“During the pandemic, he was recruited by Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) and started the level 4 higher apprenticeship in translation practice via remote delivery. Cedron fitted in really quickly to the translation team at HEIW, despite working from home in North Wales most of the time.

As his assessor, I was very impressed by the in-depth research that he carried out to cover the knowledge and understanding part of the NVQ and the quality of his written Welsh work was truly amazing with no grammatical errors at all.

Managers at HEIW commented from the outset on his commitment and the high quality of his translation work too.

“This is a new and exciting path into a career as a translator.” said Bethan Davis, Translation Manager at HEIW. “People from all ages can come into the role, knowing that they will get the very best of training as well as a widely recognized qualification at the end of it – whilst learning and earning a wage “on the job”. It is another excellent example of the TrainWorkLive initiative here at HEIW and shows that there are sustainable careers in the NHS beyond just clinical ones.

This course is usually over 24 months, but Cedron completed successfully within 18 months”.

During his course Cedron also represented the National Training Federation for Wales and Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol as a Welsh Apprenticeship Ambassador – he has been a great ambassador and has contributed positively to many PR stories and has always been happy to be interviewed and he has also participated in videos to promote apprenticeships and Welsh Language in the workplace.

Many congratulations Cedron.


Published 12 July 2023