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Recruitment success for medical specialty training in Wales

Surgeons checking screen

Figures published on 25 July 2023 by NHS England, on behalf of the four nations, show that fill rates for postgraduate, medical specialty training programmes in Wales remain high.

More junior doctors have been appointed to commence specialty training in August 2023 compared to August 2022, with most specialities achieving a fill rate of 100 per cent, or close to 100 per cent.

This increase in medical trainees choosing to undertake Core, Specialty and Higher training in Wales indicates another successful year for recruitment and a continued interest in Wales as a desirable place to train, work and live.

Like other UK nations, some specialty training programmes in Wales experienced lower fill rates such as Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Geriatric Medicine and certain Higher Psychiatry Specialties.

Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW), the strategic workforce body for NHS Wales and lead for medical specialty training recruitment in Wales, is continuing to work closely with specialties and partners to review recruitment and retention strategies to improve fill rates in these areas, and other specialties that have longstanding openings.

A further round of applications to fill specialties with expected future vacancies will open at the end of this month (July 2023), with training for these posts to begin in February 2024.

Professor Pushpinder Mangat, Medical Director at Health Education and Improvement Wales, said:

“I am delighted to welcome these doctors to our training programme. Every year we are seeing more doctors joining us from Wales and all over the world. We continue to be committed to providing them with the best training, so they are equipped to deliver high quality patient care in all clinical settings.”

A full breakdown of the fill rate figures is available.


Published 26 July 2023