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All staff can now access the NHS Wales Staff Wellbeing Covid-19 Portal which provides a range of health and wellbeing resources to support staff at this difficult time.

The All Wales Covid-19 practice learning recovery resources, developed by HEIW in partnership with universities, Health Boards and key stakeholders across Wales, provide a range of materials to support healthcare students’ safe entry into practice placements during this time.

Healthcare professionals can find guidance on personal Protective Equipment (PPE) from Public Health Wales.

Below is guidance for nursing, midwifery and allied health professional trainers, educators and employers in response to Covid-19. Please ensure you're looking at the most up-to-date documents. Documents no longer valid will be marked as ‘archived’ but are still available for information.

Date Details
Nursing and Midwifery
22/03/2021 Position statement from Welsh Government and Health Education and Improvement Wales confirming healthcare students’ individual access to COVID-19 vaccination in line with priority group scheduling.
25/01/2021 HEIW have issued updated Covid-19 Frequently Asked Questions concerning pre-registration nursing, midwifery, allied health profession and healthcare science students – a guide for students, practice supervisors, educators, and assessors (Jan 2021).
15/12/2020 This HEIW student survey summary report provides valuable insights into the experience of students who were deployed during the first phase of the pandemic.
06/11/2020 The All Wales Healthcare Student PACT: Supporting healthcare students’ safe entry into practice learning environments during pandemic conditions. 
06/10/2020 HEIW have issued the COVID-19 Temporary Educational Audit of the Practice Learning Environment.
18/09/2020 Position statement from Welsh Government and HEIW confirming medical, nursing, midwifery, allied health profession and healthcare science students as having continued key worker status when undertaking practice placements.
18/09/2020 HEIW have issued the All Wales COVID-19 Placement Recovery Principles including the All Wales safe-return placement passport.
09/06/2020 HEIW have issued Covid-19 Frequenetly Asked Questions concerning nursing and midwifery students - a guide for practice supervisors and assessors.
04/06/2020 Guidance on practice learning outcomes in non-client facing placements relevant to practice supervisors and assessors supervision and assessment of nursing students.
04/06/2020 Guidance from Health Education and Improvement Wales and Health Education England on COVID-19 reciprocal arrangements for students currently located outside the geographic boundaries of their enrolled Approved Education Institution (AEI) relevant to management of cross-border nursing and midwifery students. [Archived]
04/06/2020 A quick reference guide by HEIW on arrangements for nursing and midwifery students working in practice during the covid-19 period relevant to placement staff supervising nursing and midwifery students. [Archived]
20/04/2020 Nurses and allied health professionals can access our COVID-19 training resources for nurses and allied health professionals portal which includes training on delegation, redeployment to clinical settings, critical care along with resources to help support your wellbeing during this challenging time.
09/04/2020 This NMC Information for employers guidance sets out what employers need to know about professionals who have joined the Covid-19 temporary register, as well as how the NMC’s processes around professionals on our permanent register have been impacted by Covid-19.
30/03/2020 A letter from HEIW to the NHS Wales Directors of Nursing - COVID-19 and implications for nursing and midwifery students. [Archived]
30/03/2020 A letter from HEIW to Deans and Heads of Nursing Pre-registration Programmes - Nursing students: volunteering in the health and care system to combat COVID-19. [Archived]
30/03/2020 A briefing paper for Practice Partners, Education Leads, Practice Education Facilitators (and equivalent roles) during COVID-19 period issued by HEIW. [Archived]
25/03/2020 The NMC have issued a statement regarding the contribution of nursing students who are not in the final six months of their programme. We are working with Welsh Government on how we can implement this in Wales. [Archived]
19/03/2020 Joint statement on expanding the midwifery workforce in the COVID-19 outbreak from the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
19/03/2020 Joint statement on expanding the nursing workforce in the COVID-19 outbreak from the Nursing and Midwifery Council. [Archived]
12/03/2020 A joint message to nurses and midwives has been agreed and sent out titled Supporting Nurses and Midwives across the UK and Nursing Associates (England only) in the event of a COVID-19 epidemic in the UK.
Allied Health Professionals and Healthcare Scientists
02/09/2021 Returning from travel to Amber list countries: guidance for health and social care staff
22/03/2021 Position statement from Welsh Government and Health Education and Improvement Wales confirming healthcare students’ individual access to COVID-19 vaccination in line with priority group scheduling.
25/01/2021 HEIW have issued updated Covid-19 Frequently Asked Questions concerning pre-registration nursing, midwifery, allied health profession and healthcare science students – a guide for students, practice supervisors, educators, and assessors (Jan 2021).
11/10/2020 Position statement from Welsh Government and HEIW confirming undergraduate optometry students as having continued key worker status when undertaking clinical skills training as part of their programme of learning.
20/04/2020 Nurses and allied health professionals can access our COVID-19 training resources for nurses and allied health professionals portal which includes training on delegation, redeployment to clinical settings, critical care along with resources to help support your wellbeing during this challenging time.
09/04/2020 We have developed Health and Care Professions Council regulated allied health professional and PTP healthcare science student support guidance during COVID-19 outbreak which focuses on how HCPC regulated allied health professional and healthcare science students can support the health and care system during this emergency. The guidance was issued with this letter to students and this letter to universities.
25/03/2020 Advice to programme leaders, students and placement providers/trainers to programme leaders, students and placement providers/trainers from the Institute of Biomedical Science.
23/03/2020 A statement has been issued by HEIW, The Council of Deans for Health in Wales, Health Boards and NHS Trusts - Directors of Therapies and Healthcare Sciences and NWSSP - Employment Services on the Recruitment of all AHP and Healthcare Science students graduating in summer 2020.