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All staff can now access the NHS Wales Staff Wellbeing Covid-19 Portal which provides a range of health and wellbeing resources to support staff at this difficult time.

Healthcare professionals can find guidance on personal Protective Equipment (PPE) from Public Health Wales.

Below is guidance for medical, dental and pharmacy trainees and students in response to Covid-19. Please ensure you're looking at the most up-to-date documents. Documents no longer valid will be marked as ‘archived’ but are still available for information.

Date Details
02/09/2021 Travel: coronavirus | Sub-topic | GOV.WALES
03/03/2020 Regulators have already issued Guidance for health and care professionals via the health and care professions council.

POSTION STATEMENT: Title: Statement on continued derogations in medical education and training

Agreed by Prof Push Mangat Medical Director Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW)


Dr Tom Lawson, Postgraduate Medical Dean has written to trainees sharing revised redeployment guidance, quarantine FAQ's and a joint statement by the GMC and the four statutory education bodies confirming that derogations will continue.

Our Professional Support Unit is here to support trainees during this challenging time. Contact the unit for a one to one meeting (via phone/Skype) to discuss any challenges you may be facing. Email or if urgent call Leona Walsh on 07900 191933.

20/04/2021 Dr Tom Lawson, Postgraduate Medical Dean has written an update to all trainees along with a joint statement on annual leave, study leave and public holiday arrangements for doctors and dentists in training during the Covid-19 pandemic.
02/02/2021 An update for medical trainees in Wales from Dr Tom Lawson, Postgraduate Medical Dean, HEIW. [Archived]
08/01/2021 With our colleagues from the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, NIMDTA and HEIW) we have issued plans for 2021 specialty recruitment. [Archived]

A letter from the General Medical Council to the UK Foundation Programme Board re the continuation of temporary derogation from the Foundation Programme curriculum for satisfactory progression at ARCP. [Archived]

The UK Foundation Programme's Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) Requirements Guidance - all trainees (valied until September 2021). [Archived]

24/11/2020 An update from the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA) on enabling progression at ARCP in response to COVID-19. [Archived]
19/10/2020 With partners, we have issued Covid-19 temporary suspension of Penultimate Year Assessments (PYAs) for physicianly specialties[Archived]
16/10/2020 An update to medical trainees from Dr Tom Lawson, HEIW Postgraduate Medical Dean covering topics including the redeployment of trainees, risk assessments, wellbeing and professionalism. [Archived]
Attachments referred to: Sources of Support and Principles for Educational Organisations during pandemic surges[Archived]
24/09/2020 We have issued an addendum to the All Wales Study Leave Policy for doctors and dentists in training which details key changes to the policy following Covid-19[Archived]
24/09/2020 With our colleagues from the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA) we have issued guidance on maintaining postgraduate medical education and training: Principles for educational organisations during pandemic surges[Archived]
11/09/2020 With our colleagues from the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA) we have issued Supporting the Covid-19 Response: Enabling Progression at ARCP – Update September 2020[Archived]
10/06/2020 NHS Wales Employers, Health Education and Improvement Wales, BMA Cymru Wales and Welsh Government have issued a joint statement on annual leave, study leave and public holiday arrangements for doctors and dentists in training during the Covid-19 pandemic[Archived]
04/06/2020 Along with Cardiff University and Swansea University, Health Education and Improvement Wales have issued principles for restarting medical education[Archived]
29/05/2020 Guidance for GP trainees from the Royal College of General Practitioners on the Recorded Consultation Assessment in place of Clinical Skills Assessment during Covid-19. [Archived]
27/05/2020 With our colleagues from the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA) we have issed guidance on implementing ARCP outcomes 10.1 and 10.2 during Covid-19[Archived]
12/05/2020 We have issued guidance for trainers and trainees regarding temporary arrangements for conducting appeals to ARCP outcomes[Archived]
07/05/2020 The fourth edition of the Covid-19 Community Journal Club from the School of Medicine, Cardiff University. A review of literature on Covid-19 that will be useful for medical trainees. [Archived]
30/04/2020 Guidance for medical foundation trainees on completion of the Form R Time Out of Training (TOOT) section in response to Covid-19. [Archived]
30/04/2020 The third edition of the Covid-19 Community Journal Club from the School of Medicine, Cardiff University. A review of literature on Covid-19 that will be useful for medical trainees. [Archived]
29/04/2020 With our colleagues from the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA) we have issued a letter to GP trainees and trainers on our efforts to address the current issues for trainees in their final year of GP specialty training[Archived]
23/04/2020 The second edition of the Covid-19 Community Journal Club from the School of Medicine, Cardiff University. A review of literature on Covid-19 that will be useful for medical trainees. [Archived]
20/04/2020 Guidance from the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA) on enabling progression at ARCP in response to Covid-19[Archived]
08/04/2020 Guidance from the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA) on the latest plans on the management of medical training rotations in May, June and July. [Archived]
06/04/2020 Medical Directors from the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA) have issued a letter to medical trainees and trainers along with guidance on the management of ARCPs[Archived]
01/04/2020 A statement on Covid 19 and trainee progression in 2020 issued by the Joint Committee on Surgical Training. [Archived]

Trainees can now access the all Wales Covid-19 hospital guidance platform. This guideline has been mandated for use in all hospitals across Wales, and provides access to:

  • Digital copy of guideline with updates and advice changes
  • A host of NHS Wales educational videos delivered by the experts from within Wales
  • Other relevant resources


01/04/2020 An update regarding medical appraisals and revalidationsent out by the Revalidation Support Unit at HEIW to all GPs in Wales via MARS. [Archived]
30/03/2020 With our colleagues from the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA) we issued plans for specialty recruitment [Archived]
26/03/2020 Guidance relating to out of programme, less than full time (LTFT) training and parental leave for trainees in relation to the Covid-19 outbreak. [Archived]
25/03/2020 The UK Health Departments, the General Medical Council, Health Education England, NHS Education for Scotland, Health Education and Improvement Wales, the Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency, and the Medical Schools Council UK wide approach we have agreed to facilitating the early provisional registration as doctors of suitable final year medical students once they have graduated[Archived]
19/03/2020 Guidance issued with the three other UK statutory education bodies, the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, the General Medical Council and COPMED regarding exams for doctors in training during the Covid-19 outbreak. [Archived]
19/03/2020 Guidance issued with the three other UK statutory education bodies regarding the adaption of the Annual Review of Competence Progression assessment during the Covid-19 outbreak[Archived]
17/03/2020 Due to the recent developments with regards to social distancing, a decision has been made by the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA) to cancel all face to face specialty recruitment interviews with immediate effect. For all recruitment due to be held in Wales, the lead recruiter is sending letter issued directly to applicants to regarding the cancellation of all face to face specialty recruitment interviews with immediate effect[Archived]


FAQs last updated 02/11/2020

Please find the latest FAQs for medical trainees. Please keep checking back as we will be updating it as and when new information is available. [Archived]

Please follow FAQs for pregnancy from the current RCOG guidance. [Archived]

16/03/2020 With our colleagues from the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA) and the GMC we issued plans for the management of medical training rotations during the delay phase of the current public health emergency. for the management of medical training rotations during the delay phase of the current public health emergency. In addition we are developing an FAQ to support trainees during this time. [Archived]
10/03/2020 With our colleagues from the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA) we have issued this guidance specifically for medical trainees[Archived]
26/11/2021 Welsh Government have published a 4 nations updated dental appendix to Infection prevention and control for seasonal respiratory infections in health and care settings (including SARS-CoV-2) for winter 2021 to 2022

With partners across the four nations we have issued Additional Guidance for Dental RCP Panels: Use of ARCP Outcome 10s


COPDEND published A UK wide resource on Well-being Support for the Dental Team

21/05/2021 We have published a joint statement with Health Education England (HEE) and the Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA) regarding the 2020/21 Dental Foundation Training recruitment.
20/04/2021 We have published a joint statement with Health Education England (HEE), the Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA), and the Dental Schools Council (DSC) on dental foundation training.
20/04/2021 Dr Tom Lawson, Postgraduate Medical Dean has written an update to all trainees along with a joint statement on annual leave, study leave and public holiday arrangements for doctors and dentists in training during the Covid-19 pandemic.
11/11/2020 With partners across the four nations we have issued a letter to all dental professionals on supporting the dental profession throughout the second COVID-19 wave.
02/09/2020 With partners across the four nations we have issued Enabling progression at ARCP

19/06/2020 The Chief Dental Officer (Wales) issued a letter to all dental practices, health boards and Health Inspectorate Wales regarding the latest plans for dental practices and the move from the Red alert in dentistry into the Amber phase of de-escalation.
11/06/2020 Welsh Government have issued the All-Wales Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for non-covid-19 dental centres providing Aerosol Generating Procedures in Wales along with a covering letter to all primary care dental teams and health boards.
10/06/2020 NHS Wales Employers, Health Education and Improvement Wales, BMA Cymru Wales and Welsh Government have issued a joint statement on annual leave, study leave and public holiday arrangements for doctors and dentists in training during the Covid-19 pandemic.
13/05/2020 With our colleagues from the four statutory education bodies (HEE, NES, HEIW and NIMDTA) we have issued ARCP guidance for dental specialty trainees along with the Covid-19 dental ARCP appeal process and a supplementary document with outcome 10 supplementary codes.
12/05/2020 A letter from Richard Herbert, HEIW Associate Dean updating foundation dentists (FDs) on the latest regarding the dental foundation training programme in response to Covid-19.

HEIW have been working with Welsh Government and NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership colleagues to provide online training for dental professionals who are being redeployed within local health boards to support the Covid-19 pandemic.

22/04/2020 The Chief Dental Officer has issued the primary care dental services Covid-19 toolkit which has been sent to dental teams alongside this release note.
21/04/2020 A dental foundation training programme update from HEIW in response to Covid-19.
20/04/2020 An email regarding national dental core training (DCT) recruitment 2020 outlining the modified selection process in response to Covid-19, has been sent to all DCT applicants.
20/04/2020 In partnership with Welsh Government we have issued guidance regarding the redeployment of the dental workforce in Wales in response to Covid-19. The guidance was issued with this accompanying letter.
16/04/2020 A letter from Richard Herbert, Associate Dean, HEIW regarding Dental Foundation Training (DFT) payments. Details of adjustments to DFT payments can be found in this letter.
14/04/2020 Guidance on ibuprofen and Covid-19 as reviewed by the Commission of Human Medicines.
03/04/2020 The latest red phase guidance issued to dental professionals in Wales from Welsh Government today.
02/04/2020 Correspondence from HEIW to foundation dentists and educational supervisors which was sent alongside the red letter alert and red phase guidance published by Welsh Government on 23 March 2020.
31/03/2020 HEIW has issued an email to all Dental Core Trainees, DCT ESs and DCT TPDs regarding Application for UK Dental Core Training Posts 2020-21.
31/03/2020 The All Wales Faculty for DCPs (AWFDCPs) has produced FAQs for DCPs in Wales.
31/03/2020 A letter from HEIW on the facilitation of redeployment opportunities for dental teams in Wales into the NHS during Covid-19.
27/03/2020 The following information for healthcare workers in Wales has been sent to all Dental Specialty Training trainees, training programme directors and educational supervisors.
25/03/2020 Covid-19 Frequently Asked Questions for Dental Core and Dental Specialty have been sent to Dental Core and Speciality Trainees, their Educational Supervisors and Training Programme Directors.
24/03/2020 A letter was issued today to dental education supervisors about the arrangements for Dental Foundation Training in response to Covid-19.
23/03/2020 Letter issued to all primary care dental teams in Wales on 23/03/2020 from Colette Bridgman, Chief Dental Officer and supporting guidance
23/03/2020 Joint statement issued on arrangements for dental and dental care professional students and recent graduates, while restrictions are in place to control the spread of Covid-19.
17/03/2020 With the four statutory education bodies HEE, NES, HEIW, NIMDTA, (SEBs) we have issued guidance to primary care employers, trainers and trainees regarding the management of dental education and training during the current public health emergency.
12/2020 Position statement on the deployment of pharmacy undergraduate students during Autumn 2020 to Spring 2021 from Health Education England, NHS Education for Scotland, Health Education and Improvement Wales, Pharmacy Schools Council, Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the British Pharmaceutical Students’ Association.
22/05/2020 HEIW’s statement regarding the Provisional Registration of 2019/20 Pre-registration Pharmacists.
23/04/2020 The latest FAQs in response to Covid-19 for pre-registration pharmacy technicians and registered pharmacy technicians in Wales issued by HEIW.

In response to Covid-19 and the increased pressure within community and hospital pharmacies, HEIW have introduced flexibility into the Modern Apprenticeship Pre-registration Pharmacy Technician training programme. This has been introduced following Welsh Government guidelines to support trainees to remain in their training programme during the pandemic.

The HEIW pharmacy team are communicating remotely with trainees on an individual basis to ensure they are supported effectively, meeting their specific needs, to enable them to continue and progress on the training programme.

09/04/2020 Guidance on facilitating the deployment of pharmacy undergraduate students to support the pharmacy workforce during the Covid-19 response.
06/04/2020 The latest FAQs issued by the General Pharmaceutical Council in response to Covid-19.


FAQs last updated 21/04/2020

The latest FAQs in response to Covid-19 for pre-registration trainee pharmacists in Wales issued by HEIW.
31/03/2020 Joint statement from Health Education England, NHS Education for Scotland and Health Education and Improvement Wales on pre-registration pharmacist training and examinations during Covid-19.
25/03/2020 Guidance for Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacists and Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacy Technicians has been issued today to Chief Pharmacists, Community pharmacy Wales, pre-reg pharmacist trainees, Pre-reg pharmacy technician trainees, tutors and employers in Wales.

General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) announce temporary registration for returning pharmacists and pharmacy technicians during this public health emergency. Guidance for those in Wales can be found at Returning pharmacists guidance.

For regular Covid-19 updates from the General Pharmaceutical Council please visit Coronavirus latest updates.

  Our Professional Support Unit is here to support trainees during this challenging time. Contact the unit for a one to one meeting (via phone/Skype) to discuss any challenges you may be facing. Email or if urgent call Leona Walsh on 07900 191933.