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It is important that HEIW are aware that you are leaving your training programme, whether you have completed your training or are leaving early.  Please read all of the information below.

HEIW are required to report this information to the GMC, but we also want to understand more about your experiences during your time with us and what your future plans look like.

Completion of training

Congratulations on completing your training; we hope you enjoyed your experience in Wales.  To help us to develop and shape our programmes, it is important that we collect feedback about your experience and therefore ask that you complete the leaver notification.

Resigning from training

There is a minimum of 1 (Core Training) or 3 (Higher Specialty) months’ notice period.

If you are hoping to leave earlier than the standard notice period, you will need to speak to NWSSP and your host organisation to agree your last working day.  This should take place before completing the HEIW leaver notification form. 

Inter Deanery Transfer (IDT)

If you have been approved for an Inter Deanery Transfer (IDT) through the national process, you will still need to resign from your programme. HEIW would welcome feedback about our programmes and therefore request that you complete our leaver notification form.

Submitting your leaver notification to HEIW

As advised in the Trainee Handbook, you should also speak to your TPD and medical personnel department at your Health Board.