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Here you will find employment information relevant to the Dental Foundation Training (DFT) programme.



Sickness/absence reporting process for DFTs

The process for reporting sick leave is to:

  1. Inform your Educational Supervisor (ES) & scheme Training Programme Director
  2. Inform NWSSP as your employer -, who will record on ESR.


It is the DFTs responsibility to report all instances of sickness to NWSSP

HEIW receive monthly absence reports from NWSSP, which should all correspond with the sick days reported in the e-portfolio.


Reporting annual leave for DFTs

The process for requesting annual leave is to:

  1. Agree it with your ES and host practice
  2. Complete the NWSSP Annual leave request form. ES to sign and send to NWSSP.
  3. NWSSP as your employer will manually add the annual leave to ESR



DFT Expenses

  1. NWSSP will set Foundation Dentists (FD) up on the NHS expenses system; Assure Expenses
  2. FDs will receive log in details and guidance in the first few weeks in September.
  3. FDs are eligible to claim for travel and subsistence for approved study days.
  4. FDs add their claim to the system.
  5. The DFT scheme administrator is notified of the claim and approves.


You are not required to submit a request form to set up an expense account. Your account will be activated once your payroll record has been created and the information has been passed to ourselves. You will receive an email to your @Wales.NHS.UK email address, please check your junk mail if not received. Please note that your account will not be ready for use on your first day of employment.

To access the system for the first time go to and click on ‘forgotten details’. When you access your account for the first time – make sure your details are correct e.g., base location to which hospital you are working from on each rotation, address etc.

System Access – The system can be accessed from any PC, laptop or mobile device. More information on using the mobile app can be found in the Help and Support Section in Assure Expenses. 

Vehicles - Before you can make a claim for mileage, your vehicle must be added into the expense system. Once approved by the expenses department you must then ensure all relevant duty of care information is uploaded (duty of care isn’t required for relocation/excess mileage).

Claims - Must be completed in line with policy and submitted within the published deadlines via E-Expenses. You must submit claims within three months. Claims received outside this deadline may not be paid. Please allow adequate time for you claim to be approved. Please find more information on Shared Services Partnership website.

Receipts - Must accompany expenditure where necessary.

Medical and dental mileage rates are payable in line with current terms and conditions. The rate payable will be shown against your vehicle when making a claim.

DFT expenses policy

For wider information about single lead employer and contacts, visit our designated webpage.