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The dental postgraduate section of Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) supports postgraduate education and training for the whole dental workforce (dentists and dental care professionals) in Wales.

This includes Dental Foundation, Dental Core and Dental Specialty Training for dentists and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for dentists and dental care professionals (DCP). These activities are underpinned by appropriate educational research and quality assurance to ensure that they are of a high standard to meet the needs of dental professionals in support of their care for their patients.

Series of key works
Performers list validation by experience

HEIW administers the Performers List Validation by Experience (PLVE) process in conjunction with Local Health Boards and the Performers list on behalf of Welsh Government.

Useful resources

Here are some useful links that you may find useful

Screen showing dental prosthesis
What we do

The dental postgraduate section is funded by the Welsh Government to ensure a high standard of education and training is delivered to dentists and DCPs throughout the principality.