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Strategic Pharmacy Workforce Plan

This strategic pharmacy workforce plan has been developed by Health Education and Improvement Wales in partnership with our stakeholders

  • for the whole pharmacy workforce
  • in all care setting where NHS medicines services are provided.

Our ambition is that this plan will be a vehicle for driving radical change and comprehensive improvements in how we develop, value, and support our pharmacy workforce, in recognition of the increasing clinical leadership role they play in caring for people using medicines, in a variety of settings.

This includes pharmacy services in

Primary care - clusters and contractors (community pharmacies and general practices)

NHS organisations - hospitals, urgent care, specialist services and primary care teams

We talked to Employees, employers, independent contractors, professional bodies, trade unions, education providers, charities and Welsh Government

We also looked at research, policies and workforce data to create the plan. It has 31 key actions across seven themes.



Health Education and Improvement Wales. 2023. HEIW Strategic Pharmacy Workforce Plan



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