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Working in collaboration with the NHS Executive and alongside the National Imaging, Pathology, Endoscopy and Healthcare Science programmes, we have developed a set of short to medium term workforce actions for Diagnostics services in Wales.

The Diagnostic workforce plan has been created in response to the Diagnostic recovery and transformation strategy for Wales which sets out a number of key priorities such as:


  • Creating additional diagnostic capacity
  • Moving to a combined approach of diagnostics as a whole
  • Creating a sustainable and intelligent, integrated health system which reduces inequality
  • Expediting transformation in diagnostic service models


The plan brings together existing work across individual National Programmes (Imaging, Pathology, Endoscopy, and Healthcare Science) as well as additional cross cutting actions, so that collective objectives are aligned under a single umbrella.

In developing this plan we aimed to build on the work being taken forward within individual diagnostic programme areas and to identify a set of actions that align with the themes within the Workforce Strategy for Health and Care.

The plan sets out 25 short to medium term actions recognising that diagnostic services will be impacted by the pace of regionalisation and digital transformation, so flexibility is critical at this stage. This is not a long-term workforce plan, but a plan designed to provide focus on a small number of areas that are likely to have the most significant impact on the delivery of diagnostic services in the short-term.

The plan will allow a more focused and equitable approach to the most transformational actions whilst increasing collaboration between HEIW and the National Programmes and minimising the chance of duplication of efforts.


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Diagnostic Workforce Plan 

Table of actions

Key documents (Strategy mapping and Horizon scanning)