Thank you for visiting the Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) International Pre-registration Nursing page.
Please note we update our information on a regular basis and this dedicated webpage holds all relevant information.
HEIW, in collaboration with external partners has developed an exciting pilot project that received Welsh Government approval in May 2023 for a period of three years.
Each year Welsh Government release figures of the numbers of nurse training places that are required to enter the workforce that provide services within the National Health Service in Wales. For UK domiciles the NHS Wales Bursary is available to fund students to undertake the pre-registration nursing course with an expectation they will work in NHS Wales for two-year period on successful completion of the course and registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).
For the first time a number of similar funded places will be available to international students who have not commenced a nursing course in the UK or completed a nursing programme which has led to nurse registration, and who wish to study to become a qualified nurse in the United Kingdom and are prepared to work in Wales.
- Prospective candidates will undertake a Bachelor of Nursing Degree, full time over 3 years and progress to work in Wales for a minimum of 24 months on successful completion of their studies.
- All or part of the tuition fees will be paid for the 3 years of a full time Bachelor of Nursing degree course (depending on the university).
- One off payment in the sum of £500 to cover costs associated with relocating to Wales and ’settling in’.
- Students will also receive an annual £1000 grant to support them in their studies.
- Financial support with placement associated travel and accommodation costs in accordance with the HEIW placement expenses guide:
- HEI support with meeting other students, finding accommodation and orientation to living and studying in Wales.
- Health Boards will work in partnership with the HEI to secure the necessary placement opportunities for the student to meet the Course requirements.
- Please note that progression from year to year requires successful completion of all theory and practice outcomes for each year of the programme. In the circumstance that modules/assessments must be repeated, this may incur an additional cost for you and may have potential visa implications.
- HEIW will meet all or part of the tuition fees depending on the university.
- Each student will receive a one off £500 supplementary ‘settling in’ grant.
- Each student will receive an annual £1000 payment to support them with their studies.
Commitment to work in Wales.
- If the student chooses to accept an offer of an HEI place and funding on the pilot project, they are required to commit to working within Wales in suitable employment for a minimum of 24 months following the completion of the course.
- If the student fails to accept Suitable employment on completion of the pilot project, they will be required to repay the total cost of the course.
- If the student resigns prior to the completion of the 24 months of suitable employment, a proportion of the costs of the course will be repayable, this will be set out in the ‘contract’.
- If the student stays within Suitable employment for 24 months following successful completion of the course and registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council, there would be no costs to repay.
Repayment Provisions
- If the student leaves before completing 24 months of Suitable employment the student will be required to repay some or all their tuition fees.
- The period of service will be calculated from the end date of the course or Suitable Employment.
- There are limited circumstances whereby the student will be exempt from making a repayment of the course costs which are:
- Course failure; or
- Exceptional circumstances, e.g., ill health; or
- There is no Suitable employment available for the student.
- Any decision relating to exceptional circumstances is at the sole discretion of HEIW.
- Any costs associated with attendance on the course, other than the tuition fee, are excluded from these repayment recovery provisions. Such costs may include travel expenses and accommodation costs. There will be no requirement to repay such costs save for in circumstances whereby it is found that the student was not entitled to these expenses.
Where can you study.
There are six nursing universities in Wales offering pre-registration International Nursing programmes. Below you will find links to each of the organisations. We recommend you access all universities and review their nursing pages. The university admissions teams will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding your eligibility to apply for their courses and therefore your eligibility for the International Pre-Registration Nurse funding project.
University links
Please note, we abide by the Code of Practice for International recruitment World Health Organisation Workforce Support and Safeguard List, 2023
If you are applying directly to the University or through an agent, the University or its agents do not charge application fees. Should you have any concerns regarding your application or if you wish to submit any concerns please email the university in the first instance.
[i] The Nursing & Midwifery Council - The Nursing and Midwifery Council (