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NHS bursary Wales: Proposed Welsh Government changes to funding for academic year 2024/25. Issued November 2023.

The Minister for Health and Social Services of Wales announced that all eligible Welsh domiciled NHS bursary students (permanent address is in Wales and not the address whilst studying if different), will have access to the full maintenance loan available from Student Finance Wales for academic year 2024/25. This will remove access to the current reduced rate of maintenance loan. This proposal will require a change to student support legislation before it can be fully implemented.

This means that once approved all eligible Welsh domiciled NHS bursary students including medical and dentistry students in their bursary years, will be able to access the maximum amount of maintenance loan from Student Finance Wales, should they wish to do so, regardless of any bursary entitlement or grant.

This change applies to new NHS bursary students commencing their studies in academic year 2024/25, and current NHS bursary students who will be continuing to study in 2024/25.

The table below shows the maximum amount of maintenance loan available from academic year 2024/25 and the current reduced rate of maintenance loan available to all NHS bursary students.

Table: Welsh Government proposed changes for NHS bursary students (subject to legislative changes and only for those ordinarily resident in Wales)

Living arrangements

Current reduced rate of maintenance loan £

Maximum amount of maintenance loan available £ for 2024/25 academic year1

Difference (+)

Parental home








London (for medical and dental students only)




1 Current figures illustrated show the maximum maintenance loans based on current rates in 2023/24, these will be updated in the future


Thank you for visiting the HEIW Bursary Page. We update our information on a regular basis and this dedicated webpage holds all relevant information on the NHS Wales bursary scheme coordinated by HEIW in collaboration with NWSSP, Universities and Health Boards and NHS Trusts.

HEIW has an email address which can be used for specific queries and receipt of information regarding the terms and conditions of the bursary.

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From time to time, we also post new documents and information plus a bimonthly news update. All current important documents and relevant links can be found below.

If you have a change in circumstance or think that you cannot comply with the Terms and Conditions of the Bursary, please contact We will be able to advise you if you need to complete a review by completing the review form.

If you are considering applying for a Bursary, either full or part time basis, full details can be found on the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership webpages who assess applications for the NHS bursary scheme. Remember to check on the Terms and Conditions if your course is eligible for the bursary.

We also use social media to provide alerts when new information or when updates become available.