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NHS e-learning for dental professionals in Wales

The dental section of Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) is delighted to share with you a dedicated portal for Dental Primary Care Teams in Wales to access key areas of online learning to complement their Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

The portal can be accessed by clicking on this link: NHS e-learning for primary care dental teams

There is a user guide available to provide a step by step guide to accessing and using the system.

The NHS e-Learning platform is long established and hosts a range of modules for NHS staff across Wales. HEIW's Dental section has worked with colleagues in the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NHSWSSP) to create a dedicated areas for Primary Care Dental teams to access specific topics. These will be added to as further appropriate modules are identified and become available.

Here is a list of the modules that are currently available:


  • NHS violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence
  • Safeguarding adults level 1
  • Safeguarding adults level 2
  • Safeguarding children level 1
  • Safeguarding children level 2
  • Dementia awareness

Health and safety

  • Radiation protection
  • Fire safety
  • Resuscitation
  • Manual handling level A
  • Violence and aggression A
  • Health and safety level 1

Disinfection and decontamination

  • Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR)
  • Flu 1 – Information for All
  • Infection Prevention & Control Level 2
  • Infection Prevention & Control Level 1
  • Aseptic Non Touch Technique

Legal and ethical

  • Treat me Fairly
  • Putting Things Right (PTR)
  • Information Governance

Quality improvement

  • Make Every Contact Count

In line with general dental council (GDC) CPD requirements it is your responsibility to select CPD that meets the requirements for verifiable activity.

You are also responsible for obtaining and keeping the documentary evidence (e.g. certificates) that is required for your CPD record.

You should use your professional judgement to decide whether or not you believe the CPD activity you have completed meets the requirements for verifiable CPD. You may need additional CPD to complement the e-learning modules if you find that they are not sufficient to meet your needs.

We hope you find the modules and e-learning platform informative and accessible and they benefit your professional learning and development.

Dental section, HEIW