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If you have been out of practice for more than two years you will need to update your skills and knowledge before you can re-register with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Do I need to undertake the return to practice programme?

If HCPC registration has lapsed for any reason an application has to be made to the HCPC for readmission. The full process of how to apply for readmission can be found on the HCPC website Our requirements if you are returning to practice | (

The minimum HCPC requirement for returning to practice to update knowledge and skills are:

  • 0 to 2 years out of practice – no requirements
  • 2 to 5 years out of practice – 30 days of updating
  • 5 or more years out of practice – 60 days of updating.

HCPC advise: 1 day to be equivalent to 7 hour.

What can I expect?

  • Returners are eligible to receive a bursary payment of up to £1000, which can be used to purchase any education, agreed with their supervising Head of Department. Funds are to be paid to the returner by the Health Board/Trust in which the supervised practice is taking place.
  • Bursary payments are not subject to tax and National Insurance deductions unless the returner is also employed by the NHS Health Board/ Trust in another capacity. Only course fees are funded, no additional expenses can be claimed.

How to Apply

There is no return to practice course for HCPC registrants. Arrangements are managed by Heads of Departments within Health Boards/Trusts, who agree updating activities to meet the HCPC standards with the returner. Returners must secure a placement and management support for the duration of their period of updating. HEIW cannot arrange placements for returners. If the placement depends on seeking additional funding, agreement must be sought from HEIW, before commencing updating activities.

This must be via the Health Board/Trust Manager. Agreement should be obtained by emailing  with the following information:

  • Name of returner
  • Name of Manager
  • Organisation they will be based at for the duration of their placement
  • Start and anticipated end date of placement
  • Whether the returner has previously either:
    • Received part of, or the full bursary award or
    • Received the full bursary award but their registration has now expired and they are no longer on the register.

Am I eligible to claim childcare costs?

Application for assistance with childcare costs, for returners who have secured NHS Wales funding, should be made directly by emailing the student awards service with the following information:

  • Institution studying at
  • Start date of course.
  • Home Address
  • Contact telephone number
  • Student Awards Services will manage the process and liaise directly with the returner. Returners will be required to apply for childcare costs before the commencement of their course as childcare allowance cannot be claimed in arrears.

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