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HEIW play a pivotal role in producing and sharing information about the current and predicted state of the healthcare workforce. For example, this can be anything from how many people are working in a certain profession now, verses how many we are likely to need over the next ten years, and how many are currently in training. This information helps develop actions to improve healthcare services in Wales.

The annual workforce trends report is an example of an information focused report that is available for everyone.


Some of the work we’re doing includes:

The Observatory

We are developing agile and scalable data architecture which will bring together different sets of data. Currently this is being called the Observatory. It will provide a single point of access to dashboards, analytical packs, and ad-hoc information requests which will help shape workforce plans. The information in it will be accurate, easy to understand, and available in multiple formats. This system will also ensure data is compliant with national data standards.


Data modelling

We are currently creating scenarios that forecast the future needs of the NHS workforce in Wales. This information will be used in workforce, strategic, and education and training plans, as well as papers and reports. The first phase of the demand modelling will be completed by March 2024 for the four nursing groups. These are adult and general nursing, children and young people nursing, learning disabilities nursing, and mental health nursing. Without demand modelling it is impossible to know if our current projections of workforce supply are going to meet future demand.


Pipeline modelling

We’re also developing a pipeline model which looks at the journey of undergraduate and postgraduate students through education to employment within the health sector in Wales. This data will help to support how we attract, educate, and train our future workforce, in addition to understanding how we support and retain the existing workforce.


If you’d like to know more about our analytical work or how you can benefit from it, please contact For more on workforce planning, please visit our workforce pages.