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Consultant pharmacist roles

How do consultant pharmacist roles fit into workforce transformation in NHS Wales?

Consultant pharmacists are the most senior clinical leaders in pharmacy, but the role and the impact they have across the population, remains a mystery to many.

Engagement event

This is an invitation to attend a virtual collaborative event to gather expert knowledge and views from key stakeholders

The output of this engagement will be a document to describe how NHS Wales can use the consultant pharmacist roles optimally, to improve population health outcomes at a local, regional and national level.

There is no need to register or prepare.

Just hop-on Teams and join the conversation

We will share some background information and you can influence, explore and learn with us. 

Tuesday 7th November 11.15-12.00

Click here to join the meeting

Thursday 16th November 1330-14.15

Click here to join the meeting

Wednesday 22nd November 14.00-14.45

Click here to join the meeting

Friday 24th November 09.30-10.15

to follow from digital

Zoom: Joining instructions to follow

You can view our summary slides and answer our engagement questions here


Survey open 1st November - 30th November 2023 (23:59pm).