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The strategic mental health workforce plan for health and social care is the first of its kind in Wales.

Developed by Health Education and Improvement Wales and Social Care Wales, the plan aims to develop skills and capacity across health and social care to increase support for those in need.


Mental health training news

Our courses are available through our Mental Health area within the Y Ty Dysgu system, which is also where we are hosting a new area for resources relating to Recovery Colleges, Lived Experience and the Peer Support Workforce.


Developing the plan

We listened to the people who provide our mental health services to help us understand what’s important to them. We also looked at research, workforce data and forecasts for the future to create the plan.

It has 33 key actions across seven themes.

We talked to the people who provide and use our mental health services, to help us understand what’s important to them, including:

  • people who have lived experience of mental health
  • employers
  • trade unions
  • professional bodies
  • royal colleges
  • government

We also looked at research, workforce data and forecasts for the future to create the plan. It has 33 key actions across seven themes.


Health Education and Improvement Wales, and Social Care Wales (2022), A Strategic Mental Health Workforce Plan for Health and Social Care.

