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Advancing Equality in Training Group

Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) Strategic Equality sets out the direction of travel to strengthen HEIW approach in advancing equality, eliminating discrimination and fostering good relations between those who share protected characteristics and those who do not. The Advancing Equality in Training Group (AEiT) will consider any matters relating to ensuring equality of opportunity and attainment with regards to students and trainees undertaking training commissioned and provided from HEIW and report and make recommendations to the Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Steering Group, Executives and the Board of HEIW. The group does not restrict activity to students and trainees with protected characteristics but extends to HEIW commitments within the Well-Being and Future Generations Act 2015, including those who may face socio economic inequalities.

Aims and objectives
  1. Act as EDI advocates that influence, enhance and advance the agenda across stakeholder groups and the training community.
  2. Listen and respond to views and information received in respect of equality, diversity and inclusion from the wider training community reporting key issues or concerns.
  3. Keep abreast of EDI initiatives with regard to education and training both locally and across the UK. 
  4. Develop and make available resources to raise awareness of and address risks and issues in ensuring equality of opportunities in training.
  5. Develop, monitor and review a programme of activity to identify any gaps in different health education and training areas with reference to:
    1. Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct that is unacceptable.
    2. Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share relevant protected characteristics and persons who do not.
    3. Foster good relations between persons who share relevant protected characteristics and persons who do not.
  6. Gather, interrogate and consider relevant qualitative and quantitative data that may assist in evidencing and addressing or closing gaps.
  7. Identify and share good practice across HEIW, Health Boards and partner institutions in relation to AEiT agenda. 
  8. Review existing policies/interventions and make decisions on action to be taken to address any deficiencies/gaps in this area.