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HEIW’s PSU team support trainee doctors, dentists and pharmacists in their professional development and training progression.

What we do
  • coach and mentor trainees 1:1 to create and work through an action plan.
  • offer advice, guidance and support to trainees in their professional context.
  • provide access to experts who can deal with specific areas.
  • deliver information and training which supports trainees and trainers.
  • establish clear lines of responsibility for all educators involved in managing trainees.
  • help to identify potential problems early which may require support from the PSU.
  • give trainers a clear structure to identify and address issues.
  • provide a network of support for educators throughout Wales.


What to expect

After contacting the PSU, we will reach out to you, the trainee, and arrange a date and time to meet. Meetings can be virtual or face to face.

The PSU case manager will ask about your academic and career history and explore the support you need.

Together, we agree a plan which may involve self-development or a referral to specialist services.

After the meeting, the PSU case manager will share a draft summary with you. We then agree on who this confidential information will be shared with. This may include the specialist support service, a trusted faculty member or a PSU Lead for the specialty.

PSU will follow up with you according to the plan agreed. We can review any support needs until you no longer feel you need additional support from us. At this point we will close your case.


Who can you expect to deal with in the PSU


Case studies


What trainees have said about the PSU

100% of trainees asked said they would recommend the PSU to a colleague for support.