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Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) has a leading role in the education, training, development and shaping of the healthcare workforce in Wales.

The primary objective of the Medical Deanery is to deliver excellence in postgraduate medical and dental education and training by ensuring that all training grade doctors and dentists have access to high quality postgraduate facilities and educational support so that they can achieve their potential in service provision to the NHS in Wales.

Within each Local Education Provider (LEP) (Health Board or Trust) in Wales is a ‘Faculty Team’ central to the support, delivery and management of postgraduate medical education and training in Wales.

The exact composition of Faculty Teams varies with each LEP, but Faculty Teams typically comprise:

Assistant Medical Directors for education (AMD)

Lead on the delivery of medical education and training in the Local Education Provider, ensuring that General Medical Council (GMC) standards are met and that a robust governance structure in relation to medical education and training is in place.

NHS Wales library and knowledge service librarians

Run NHS Wales and Cardiff University health libraries which provide health information to support patient care, education, training and research for NHS Wales staff, including all training grade doctors and dentists, and Cardiff University staff and students on placement. For more information see NHS Wales libraries.

Faculty Leads (FL)

Work in partnership with HEIW to support, deliver and manage postgraduate medical training in Wales. A number of variations to the faculty lead model exist across Health Boards determined by local need and governance structures, but areas of responsibility include trainers, trainees or Quality. For more information please see faculty leads.

Medical Education Managers (MEMs) 

Responsible for running the Education Centres within each Health Board to support, deliver and manage postgraduate medical training in Wales. They are often a useful first point of contact with the Education / Faculty Team.

Foundation Programme Directors (FPD)

Ensure that high quality Foundation training is provided, through access to suitable training, appraisal and assessment as set out by the Foundation Programme Curriculum for trainees.

GP Programme Directors (GP PDs) 

Plan and run the Speciality Training Scheme for General Practice in their region, in accordance with national and regional policies and in consultation with Associate Deans, other Programme Directors, Trainers, Trainees and Faculty Leads.

SAS tutors

Provide support and guidance for Staff and Associate Specialist (SAS) doctors in the Health Board and leadership in relation to both the professional development of SAS doctors and the contribution of SAS doctors to education and training of trainees in relevant specialties.

If you aspire to secure a future role in medical education, please contact the Medical Education Manager at your local education centre for more information on how you can get involved with Faculty Team activity.