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Suicide and suicide attempts can have lasting effects on individuals, families and communities.

If you, or someone you know is concerned about suicidal feelings, you can find support from the below organisations.

Additional support around mental health, trauma and bereavement is also available.

For organisational support, please visit your local health board websites.

Public Health England

Public Health England

Mental Health at Work - Informative Resource.

It covers topics including:

  • Information on suicide and common myths
  • Key strategies for suicide prevention
  • Identifying employees at risk of suicide
  • Responding to warning signs
  • Suicide Postvention – responding to a suicide and offering support
  • Resources for Employers
  • Case Studies

This was developed as part of a collaboration between Public Health England, Samaritans and Business in the Community. The intention is for it to be viewed as an online resource with links to further resources/guidance within the document.

Public Health Network Cymru

Public Health Network Cymru

Information and advice around suicide and self-harm prevention, produced by Welsh Government and Public Health Wales.


Every 10 seconds, Samaritans responds to a call for help.

We’re here, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.

Samaritans is not only for the moment of crisis, we’re taking action to prevent the crisis.

Samaritans Cymru

Freephone:  116 123



Information including what suicidal feelings are, and what you can do if you feel suicidal. Also covers the causes, treatments and support options for suicidal feelings. dealing with suicidal feelings.

Mind’s ‘Suicidal feelings’ document (PDF).