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Welcome to the Health Education Improvement Wales’ and Social Care Wales’ virtual Arts Therapies Event
Please watch our introduction video from Wendy Wilkinson, Head of Allied Health Professional Transformation, Health Education and Improvement Wales:

Our event will run from Monday 19 April to Friday 23 April. During this time, we will be exhibiting case studies, workshops and presentations from drama, music, art psychotherapy and dance movement therapists. The content will give you an insight into how arts therapies are being used for mental health and wellbeing and the benefits that can be achieved.

View the content for each therapy by clicking on the relevant image below:




Live sessions

During each day of the event from 19 – 23 April 2021, we will be hosting a live Q&A session where you will have the opportunity to ask questions to a panel of arts therapists to discuss their work and the advantages of using arts therapies.

From Monday to Thursday the content will be dedicated to a specific arts therapy (please see an itinerary below). On the Friday, we will have a panel of therapists covering all arts therapies for a general discussion on the blended use of therapies and how arts therapies can support the mental health workforce.

To join a live session please use the appropriate links below:

19 April 2021 (15:30 – 16:30) - Dramatherapy - Join the live discussion

20 April 2021 (15:30 – 16:30)  - Music Therapy - Join the live discussion

21 April 2021 (15:30 – 16:30)  - Art Psychotherapy - Join the live discussion

22 April 2021 (15:30 – 16:30)  - Dance Movement Therapy - Join the live discussion

23 April 2021 (14:00 – 15:00)  - General Arts Therapy - Join the live discussion



We would value your feedback to help us improve future events, please complete our short feedback poll.

Thank you to all the therapists who have contributed to this event and showcased the fantastic work of arts therapies for mental health and wellbeing across Wales.