As the way we work in the NHS changes, delegation is becoming increasingly important to ensure the appropriate use of finite resources, future sustainability of services, development of staff at all levels and the autonomy of practice.
This is your opportunity to influence the implementation of the reviewed all Wales Delegation Guidelines. Health Education and Improvement Wales, in partnership with Social Care Wales, have reviewed the all Wales Delegation Guidelines (2010). As part of the work we would like to obtain your views and opinions on what you feel the barriers and enablers for effective delegation are, this will be done via an on-line survey.
The survey is now open until 24 February 2020 to all staff in health and social care.
The results from the survey will be used to help Health Boards and Trusts with the implementation of the revised guidelines. They will also form the basis of a report for Executive Directors.
Please take this opportunity to shape the way delegation is used in your organisation.