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Ibby Osman, Equality, Diversion and Inclusion (EDI) intern within our Organisation Development, Wellness and Inclusion team is working to further implement the Well-being of Future Generations Act at Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW):

"As a graduate of the Future Generations Leadership Academy my role is to support and advise public sector organisations in Wales on how to implement and be an ambassador for Wales’s ground-breaking Well-being of Future Generations Act.

Since joining HEIW, I have spent the past few months working with the Organisation Development, Wellness and Inclusion team to identify areas where I can strengthen the Act within our work, such as create opportunities to collaborate and reach out to communities that are often hard to reach.

Creating a cohesive community and an equal Wales is important to our work, as we need to ensure we engage with all members of society and understand and respond to their lived experiences.

I have cultivated collaborations with Race Council Wales and Grangetown and Youth and Muslim Council of Wales and looking to reach out to other youth organisations throughout Wales. Some of you will have attended the insightful lunch and learn session by the youth Leader of the iLEAD programme, who gave a practical insight into the Muslim faith, customs and values and how employers can ensure our well-being in the workplace.

Since my time at the Academy, I have become a lot more curious about many issues we are currently facing within society, and I am constantly thinking of ways to problem solve and I've applied this skill to my work at HEIW.

I've also become more confident talking to people from different professional backgrounds. This experience has also allowed me to grow and develop my knowledge and experience around the legislation and understand how we all can make a difference and make positive impacts to the communities that we live in, work, and serve.

This role is an exciting opportunity for me and HEIW to create positive change through the lens of the Act and ensure that current and future employers continue the work to transform our work, our society and country that benefits our people and our planet."

Please find further information on the Future Generations Academy and Future Generations Commissioner for Wales role and work.

Ibby was named one of 100 Changemakers in Wales by the former Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, Sophie Howe.