HEIW was established on 1 October 2018, as the eleventh member of NHS Wales following the combination of three legacy organisations; Wales Deanery, Wales Centre for Professional Pharmacy Education (WCPPE) and Workforce and Education Development Service (WEDS).
We have a leading role in the education, training, development, and shaping of the healthcare workforce in Wales, supporting high-quality care for the people of Wales.
As a body committed to improving the provision of health education in Wales, we recognise the growing importance of the Welsh language in ensuring better clinical outcomes. This is the main motivating factor behind our desire to optimise the quality and quantity of the Welsh language services we are able to offer.
Although HEIW is not currently required to comply with standards under the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011, we have adopted the principle established in the Welsh Language Act 1993, that, in the conduct of public business in Wales, the Welsh and English languages should be treated on a basis of equality.
We have also been operating a voluntary plan, endorsed by our Board in May 2019, which is based on Standards Regulations 6 and 7 (for Educational Establishments and Health Bodies respectively).
This statutory Welsh language scheme describes how we will give effect to these principles and sets out how we will provide our services to the public in Wales in Welsh.
(Alternative formats of this document are available on request).