Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) are delighted to announce we have been shortlisted in the NHS Wales Workforce Sustainability Award category for the development of a national labour ward co-ordinator framework.
HEIW worked collaboratively with Strategic Midwifery Leads across Wales to identify opportunities for quality improvement. Labour ward coordinators (LWCs) lead on the delivery of safe, person-centred care in the birthing environment and play a key leadership role within multi-professional teams. It was identified that their induction process varied across health boards and they didn’t have a recognised pathway for development.
HEIW worked with clinical leads from health boards and other key stakeholders to develop the Labour Ward Coordinator Framework which has been received positively and implemented in health boards across Wales.
The NHS Wales Awards celebrate excellence in improvement and quality across health and care in Wales, showcasing the incredible quality and safety improvement work that has transformed the experience and outcomes for people in Wales.
Alex Howells, Chief Executive of HEIW said “I am delighted to see that our work is being recognised so widely and I wish the teams the very best of luck for the announcement of the winners.”
Dr Suzanne Hardacre, Director of Midwifery at Cwm Taf Morgannwg University of Health Board said “This new framework has been created through collaboration with the Strategic Leads of Midwifery and midwives from across Wales. It is designed to support the development of aspiring and new Labour Ward Coordinators. The care of women, birthing people and their families is of paramount importance in all maternity settings including the labour ward. This comprehensive framework will support a standardised approach across Wales to the induction, training, and development of Labour Ward Coordinators.”
Winners will be announced at the NHS Wales Awards 2024 ceremony on 24 October 2024.