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New ambitious strategic workforce plan that will transform the pharmacy profession launched

30 June 2023

Health Education and Improvement Wales are launching the Strategic Pharmacy Workforce Plan today. The 10 year plan sets out long term goals, principles, and short-term actions that are needed to transform the pharmacy profession in Wales,

The ambitious plan, which is an action from our Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care in Wales published in 2020, has been developed with employees, employers, independent contractors, professional bodies, trade unions, education providers, charities and Welsh Government. It has 31 key actions that will drive change and improvement in how we develop, value, and support the whole pharmacy workforce throughout Wales.

Implementation of actions from the plan will mean citizens who use pharmacy services will benefit by getting more services from their local pharmacy, the pharmacy workforce will have more development opportunities and better working conditions and employers will have a stable multi-professional workforce.

Pushpinder Mangat, Medical Director at HEIW said,

“It is a privilege to be launching this plan today. It is not a plan just for those who work in pharmacy – it is a plan that is relevant to anyone in the health and Care sector who works with pharmacy colleagues where they are using medicines as part of providing care.

 “I encourage you all to become familiar with this plan. It describes how we will make sure the pharmacy workforce has the skills and competence to take up a stronger “Medicines Leadership” role in such a way that all our other professional colleagues benefit and consequently so do our patients and citizens.”


Margaret Allan, Pharmacy Dean at HEIW continued,

“The launch of the plan today is an exciting time. During our launch event, we have been gathering commitments from stakeholders to work with us to drive the plan forwards at pace over the next 2 years. 

 “HEIW is focused on working collaboratively with our partners to lead the implementation of the actions within the plan.

 “The clear desire for change we have heard and seen during the development of the plan and today, gives me real hope that together we can make this happen.”


Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for Wales, Andrew Evans concluded,

“I am delighted Health Education and Improvement Wales has recognised the essential role pharmacists and pharmacy technicians play in all parts of the NHS in Wales in its Strategic Pharmacy Workforce Plan.  A highly skilled, motivated, and valued pharmacy workforce is critical to the delivery of outstanding care. 

The plan describes clearly how HEIW will work with and support employers to better prepare and support pharmacy professionals and ensure they continue to make the fullest contribution to improving the health and wellbeing of people in Wales.”

Strategic Pharmacy Workforce Plan - HEIW (