Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) has made great strides in its effort to promote top quality, compassionate leadership in NHS Wales.
Two cohorts of the Advanced Clinical Leadership Programme (52 clinicians) have been provided by HEIW to date. With cohort one completing the programme in June 2023 to great acclaim. Here’s the positive feedback!
Moreover, due to high demand for this programme, it is hoped that a third and fourth cohort will commence October/November 2023. Applications for cohort three and four are currently open Gwella.
Similarly, the end of year presentations for the Wales Clinical Leadership Training Fellowship Programme (WCLTP) was held at Ty Dysgu recently, on 25 July 2023. The next of these programmes is set to commence September 2023.
We also have two cohorts in the Aspiring Chief Executive (ACE) Programme that was launched in Spring this year.
Meanwhile, the Aspiring Executive Director Talent Pool (2023-2025) will commence with a launch event scheduled for 15 September 2023. There have already been 72 applications received to date, via our Gwella inclusive application process.
This quarter has also seen the piloting of the first module of the compassionate leadership development programme, which is aimed at leaders at all levels. The feedback for this is imminent, and the remaining three modules will be available towards the end of September.
The Virtual Expert Leadership Series was also provided earlier this year. The resulting webinars were recorded and are currently being transcribed and translated. This means that they are now widely available as an ‘on demand’ series to support leaders at all levels across health and care in Wales.
Furthermore, there are a range of Compassionate Leadership Tools and Resources available to access on Gwella This is soon to be followed with a Leadership and Culture Toolkit being developed in collaboration with NHS England.
We can safely conclude that NHS Wales will gain yet more benefit from its principles of compassionate leadership, programmes, tools and resources.
Published 18 August 2023